Embracing Confidence

Embracing Confidence


I wanted to share something that has been on my mind lately—our journey toward building genuine confidence. It’s a topic that resonates with me deeply, and I thought it might resonate with you as well.

Confidence is an incredible quality that can positively impact every aspect of our lives. It allows us to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and present ourselves authentically to the world. But it’s not always an easy trait to develop. It often requires us to let go of certain behaviors and mindsets that hold us back.

Today, I wanted to talk to you about three key things I believe we need to give up if we truly want to cultivate confidence.

Firstly, let’s say goodbye to self-doubt and negative self-talk. You know that voice (Inner Critic) in our heads that often tells us we’re not good enough or that we’re destined to fail? It’s time to challenge those thoughts. Let’s consciously replace them with positive affirmations and focus on our strengths and achievements. Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people will also play a significant role in nurturing our confidence.

Next, let’s address our fear of failure. It’s a common roadblock for many of us. We tend to avoid taking risks or pursuing our goals because we fear falling short or making mistakes  (Perfectionist). But true confidence requires us to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. It’s about shifting our perspective and viewing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. We can develop resilience and foster a confident mindset by taking small steps outside our comfort zones and celebrating every attempt.

Lastly, let’s break free from the need for external validation. Relying too heavily on others’ approval and validation can diminish our self-worth (Victim). Instead, let’s go within and learn to validate ourselves. Recognize and appreciate our unique qualities, strengths, and accomplishments. Embrace self-compassion and treat ourselves with kindness and understanding. Accept that perfection is unrealistic and celebrate our flaws as part of our individuality.

Confidence is a journey, and I believe we’re both on this path together. It’s not about being flawless or never encountering setbacks; it’s about believing in ourselves, embracing challenges, and persisting despite adversity. I would love to help crush those limiting beliefs that cause us to behave and think negatively and prevent us from living the best version of ourselves.

I know it can be done because I’ve done it.

To discover what your limiting beliefs are, use the Belief Self-Diagnosis form here. Then schedule a Roadmap to Your Personal Success and Confidence call to review it with me. It’s that simple.

You’ll be able to let go of what holds you back and step into a future filled with confidence, self-assurance, and personal growth, all while having a peaceful mindset!

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and learn about your experiences building confidence.


Schedule your Confidence call today!


5 Ways to Deal With Triggers

5 Ways to Deal With Triggers

How to Deal With Triggers 5 Ways to Deal With Triggers

Lately, I’ve been exploring some strategies to navigate those tricky triggers we all encounter in life. You know, those moments that seem to throw us off balance and send our emotions into a whirlwind. I thought I’d share a few approaches I’ve found helpful, ones that add a personal touch and even a sprinkle of humor to the mix.

  1. Take a breather: First and foremost, taking a breather has become my go-to tactic. When faced with a trigger, I’ve learned to give myself permission to step back, find a quiet spot, and take a few deep breaths. It’s incredible how those simple moments of respite can help me regain my composure and view the situation from a fresh perspective.
  2. Find humor in the situation: But here’s where it gets interesting: I’ve discovered the power of humor in dealing with triggers. Finding something amusing or lighthearted about the situation can work wonders. It’s as if a dash of laughter acts as a magic potion to lessen the intensity of the trigger. So, lately, I’ve been trying to inject humor into those moments, even if it’s just a tiny, playful observation or a funny twist on the circumstances.
  3. Engage in physical activity: Of course, physical activity has been a key player, too. Whenever a trigger tries to take control, I’ve found solace in engaging in some form of exercise. Whether going for a brisk walk, practicing yoga, or even trying my hand at a dance workout video (you should see me attempting those moves!), the physical activity helps redirect my focus and release any pent-up tension.
  4. Practice self-care: Self-care has become non-negotiable on this trigger-taming journey. I’ve been indulging in activities that bring me joy and relaxation, like treating myself to a soothing bath, cranking up my favorite tunes, or immersing myself in a captivating book. It’s amazing how these small acts of self-care can counterbalance the effects of triggers and rejuvenate my spirit.
  5. Use positive affirmations: Last but not least, positive affirmations have become my secret weapon. I’ve crafted a list of empowering statements, like “I am resilient,” “I possess the strength to overcome any challenge,” and “I am in control of my emotions.” Whenever a trigger pops up, I repeat these affirmations to myself, grounding my thoughts in positivity and reminding myself of my inner strength.

Remember, everyone is unique, so explore different strategies and find what works best for you. Experiment with these suggestions and adapt them to fit your personal style and preferences. Ultimately, the goal is to find approaches that help you effectively manage triggers and maintain a sense of well-being.

PS: To learn how to release your triggers once and for all, schedule a Roadmap to Your Own Personal Success and Confidence call today!

Live in Your Heart, Not in Your Head

Live in Your Heart, Not in Your Head

Live in your Heart Not in Your Head

I just celebrated my 65th birthday, and last week, when I was strolling through Longwood Gardens, I thought how light I felt. I didn’t feel any of the heaviness I had carried around in the past. Maybe you’ve felt it, or still do—that invisible weight that holds you back from living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

That heaviness is called psychic weight and is made up of all the negative thoughts that have piled up over your life. Thoughts that have to do with guilt, shame, disappointment, fear, resentment, and more. You know it’s not real, but it lives in your head anyway.

Take resentment. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “When you resent someone, you allow them to live rent-free in your head.”  If you’ve been this type of landlord, you are holding on to that invisible (psychic) weight, and it is weighing you down, robbing you of your confidence.

If you can relate, contact me to see how to break free and let go of it so you can feel as light as I did last week.

Did you know that the heavier your invisible or psychic weight is, the longer you have to wait to get what you want in life?  It’s true: weight = wait.

That psychic weight stays in your head, but you must bring it down into your heart to make it lighter. And this is the most challenging journey of life: the journey from your head to your heart.

When you live in your heart, you’re guided by intuition, empathy, and authenticity. You no longer have the negative thoughts that hold you back. You begin to tap into the profound wisdom that lies within, and you begin to go within.

Something magical also happens; living from the heart is where our actions align with our values and passions. When we live from the heart, we exude confidence because we follow our inner compass rather than seek validation from others.

We notice that we no longer weigh as much, and as a result, we don’t have to wait as long for things to materialize in our lives. How cool is that?

Are you ready to stop living in your head and start living from your heart so you can reclaim your confident self ?

Schedule your complimentary Roadmap Call today. I’ll design the map for your journey from head to heart so you’ll have the confidence and peace of mind you’ve always dreamed of.

Flowing the way to your heart.


Psychic Weight: Letting Go and Living in Your Heart for Greater Confidence

Psychic Weight: Letting Go and Living in Your Heart for Greater Confidence

psychic weight

Have you ever noticed a feeling of heaviness, like an invisible weight, that holds you back from reaching your full potential? I know I sure have, and it is not fun. You may not notice it initially, but the more you try to accomplish things, the more you struggle and stay stuck. That heaviness is called psychic weight. If this resonates with you, contact me, so we can break free and let go of it together.

What is psychic weight?

Psychic weight refers to all the negative thoughts accumulated over our lifetime, such as resentment, guilt, shame, fear, disappointment, and frustration. It’s not real, but it lives in our heads. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying about resenting someone: Why are you allowing them to live rent-free in your head? If you’ve been this type of landlord, you are holding on to psychic weight that weighs you down like a block of ice, robbing you of your confidence. I learned from Caroline Myss that the heavier you weigh psychically, the longer it takes to manifest your desires or heal.

Weight = Wait

Let me explain a little further by using an analogy. Think of the physical world as ice, the energetic world as water, and the symbolic world as mist. Which weighs the most? Ice does, of course. When you recognize that psychic weight is an illusion, that it’s not real, you begin to let go and liberate yourself from it. You see, these negative thoughts are based on past experiences and projections about the future. As a result, you are not living in the present moment. When you learn to let go and live in the present, you begin to melt the ice, and you get lighter.

How do you let go?

Letting go of psychic weight begins with the awareness that you carry it around. Once you’ve done this, you must consciously choose to release the thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you. This is where the power of choice will either empower you (if you decide to release the thoughts) or disempower you (if you choose to keep them in your head). One way that helps is to practice mindfulness. Being mindful means focusing on whatever is in front of you, and using your fives sense is a great beginning practice.

Another powerful method is practicing self-compassion. By treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, we can forgive past mistakes and let go of the disappointment we have in ourselves. Self-compassion allows us to acknowledge our imperfections while embracing our inherent worthiness, leading to increased self-confidence.

Do You Want to Live From the Heart?

The most challenging journey of life is when we shift our focus from our heads to our hearts. We melt the ice to make water, and since water weighs less than ice, we begin to allow ourselves to be guided by intuition, empathy, and authenticity. We begin to tap into the profound wisdom within us and begin to go within.

Something magical also happens; living from the heart is where our actions align with our values and passions. We pursue what truly fulfills us rather than feeling trapped by external expectations. When we live from the heart, we exude confidence because we follow our inner compass rather than seek validation from others. We notice that we no longer weigh as much, and as a result, we don’t have to wait as long for things to materialize in our lives. How cool is that?

Are You Ready to Step into Your Confidence?

Are you ready to stop living in your head and start living from your heart so you can reclaim your confident self and have peace of mind?

If you are, schedule your complimentary Roadmap to Your Own Personal Success and Confidence call with me today. I’ll design your personal path that shows you how to let go and start living in your heart for greater confidence.

Until then, be well and be conscious,




Is Your Judge Saboteur Impacting Your Success?

Is Your Judge Saboteur Impacting Your Success?

Judgement vs. Discernment

If you are like me, your inner critic is frequently yelling at you. Are you judging others, yourself, and situations, and do you want to stop?

If you can relate, read on for some tips. Then contact me so we can shut down and weaken the Judge Saboteur together, and you can finally be free of thoughts racing through your head!

Everyone has a Saboteur. The question is, “Have you weakened it?” Chances are, you haven’t, don’t know how, or aren’t aware you even have one.

The Judge, a highly powerful Saboteur, is indoctrinated in us at an early age. We judge our performance in school, on the playground, and at home; we judge others for the same, and we judge our circumstances or situation in life.

Have you ever said to yourself, “I should have done better on that project. I’m such a loser when it comes to details,” or something similar?

Maybe you’ve judged a co-worker; “What a slacker he is; he always takes extra time on breaks.

Or you’ve judged your circumstances in life as getting the short of the stick; you weren’t born to the right parents; there’s always a wrench thrown your way to mess things up.

“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

According to Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence, the Judge is the universal Saboteur that beats you up repeatedly over mistakes or shortcomings, warns you obsessively about future risks, and gets you fixated on what is wrong with others or your life. Your Judge is your greatest internal enemy and causes you much of your stress and unhappiness and reduces your effectiveness.

So, what can you do, and how can you weaken the Judge?

First, ask yourself why you’re judging.

  • Is it because you need to belong or feel part of a group?

  • Is it because you need to feel “better than” or superior to someone?

  • Is it because you don’t want to see those aspects in yourself?

  • Is it because you want to know where you fit in, who, and what you like?

After becoming aware of why you’re judging, pause and feel the emotions and the bodily sensations that occur. Are they pleasant, or are they distressing?

Negative emotions are only helpful for one second as your alert signal, just like the signal you get from putting your hand on a hot stove. You don’t keep your hand on it; you remove it quickly.

You can become aware when judging by being curious and listening to what your body tells you. Change can occur when these alert signals are heeded; judging can be transmuted into discernment.

When using discernment, you are curious and search for understanding and insight from a situation enabling you to make an intelligent decision. You can see clearly and respond with empathy, compassion, creativity, and laser-focused action.

To weaken your Judge Saboteur, strengthen your discernment; it’s your key to success.

Strengthening your discernment isn’t easy, but you can increase your abilities by focusing on your business. Where do you struggle?

Do you always talk, or are you quiet as a churchmouse? If you’re perceived as a know-it-all, people will shut you out and may cause your working relationships to suffer.

On the other hand, if you never speak up, no one will recognize you as having anything to offer, which could be detrimental when working on a project.

Learning when to speak up and when to stay quiet strengthens your discernment.

Are you are perfectionist and late with your tasks? When you need to have everything perfect, you’re judging your work. Find colleagues with similar projects and watch how they complete them. Use this knowledge with your wisdom to discern what is necessary to hand in.

Do you hold onto constructive feedback as criticism from your boss? Taking time to consider and assess what value you can find in the feedback rather than getting annoyed or angry is a step in improving your discernment resulting in greater success.

If you find your Judge Saboteur is showing up frequently and blocking your success and potential, begin practicing the virtue of discernment.

Schedule your complimentary Roadmap to Your Own Personal Success and Confidence call today and learn how to weaken your Judge, leading to a more prosperous and happier life!