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The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist is often seen as a positive aspect that improves your likelihood of success. But it can also take you down the rabbit hole with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.

If you have the Perfectionist archetype, in all likelihood, it was a pattern of behavior that you formed in early life as a survival technique to a traumatic event(s), physical, emotional, or psychological, to alleviate painful emotions. Perfect Perfect Perfect Or you may have been valued by your parents, teachers, and other authority figures for your achievements or what you accomplished, which caused your sense of value on others’ approval.

For whatever purpose it served in your childhood, the belief that you could stop bad things from happening if you tried harder, were better or perfect, allowed you to keep whatever atmosphere of security in your world, even though it wasn’t real. This belief, however, comes with a hefty price tag—your self-esteem or sense of self-worth.

The shadow fears of the Perfectionist are:

  • The fear of being seen for who you truly are
  • The fear of making mistakes
  • The fear of not being accepted or liked
  • The fear of failure
  • The fear of being judged or criticized
  • The fear of disapproval

The Perfectionist’s pattern of behavior strengthens each time it’s used not to feel negative emotions, and your authentic self, with all your perceived flaws, is pushed deeper into the shadow. However, your talents and gifts are also hidden.

If you are a Perfectionist, Perfection mirror your main issue is you never feel that you or anything you do is good enough because there’s always something that needs to be fixed, improved, or healed. You are driven more by avoiding failure and not being good enough than the pursuit of perfection.

This approach of never being good enough creates a perpetual feeling of discontent. Like a hamster running on a wheel getting nowhere, you repeat the pattern again and again.

And this obsession with perfection keeps you in the shadow; you live in a nightmare, unable to enjoy life. The need to be perfect may cause you mental health issues, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and even suicide.

If you think you have the Perfectionist archetype:

  • You may always strive for perfection; you may feel like a failure if something is not perfect.
  • You may have difficulty finishing projects or not finishing them at all; you procrastinate regularly.
  • You may suffer from anxiety and stress, unable to relax.
  • You have low self-worth and self-esteem.
  • You may not be satisfied with your success because it isn’t good enough.
  • You may have black-and-white or all-or-nothing thinking.
  • You may become depressed if you don’t meet your goals.
  • You may become defensive when someone provides you with constructive criticism; you may be hyper-sensitive.

Any of the aspects listed above can be detrimental to your life, whether personal, professional, community, or even spiritual. Download your copy of “Red Flags That Signal You’re A Perfectionist.

So, how do you halt to a behavior pattern that most see as positive but one that is causing you problems?

The first step is to recognize your patterns. Be an observer of your daily actions and when and where you fall into them.

In your personal life, are you afraid to let people see who you are because you fear being rejected, rejected so you believe, “If I’m perfect, no one will reject me?” Do you feel you are flawed and strive to cover them up to appear better than you are so that others won’t reject you?

Recollect one or two incidents where you felt rejected. How did you show yourself to others? What was the vulnerability that caused you to feel that way—was it your behavior, not meeting another person’s expectation, or something else? Do you feel threatened? Do you think you’re not good or worthy enough for them?

Take some time with your thoughts and emotions, allowing them to be just as they are without judging them. Be patient; it may take a while, but notice how you feel when you’ve done it.

Professionally, striving for perfection can cause you to delay submitting your project or spend too much time on details, leading to chaos and undermining your company. Or, you feel you stress 3390404 640 don’t have enough time to do it perfectly, so you procrastinate and delay starting it all together. And because of time constraints, you suffer from stress and anxiety.

Do you hear a voice in your head say, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right?” How would it feel to silence this self-talk, knowing it is a force in the way? You can—by closing the door and shutting it how. You can do this by:

  1. Turning to self-affirmations such as “My best is good enough,” “Action is better than perfection, and “I’m always learning and improving.” My favorite is “Procrastinate later.
  2. Accept your thoughts, but don’t give into them.
  3. Record any emotional responses that arise, allowing yourself to welcome them fully.

When you slow down and look for the causal level of your behavior, you’ll find you’re making up for something you lost earlier in life. And, it most likely is a belief that you created as a survival mechanism that no longer serves you.

When you are in the Perfectionist archetype’s shadow, issues arise that cause you trouble. Stepping into the light is a conscious decision where you recognize and acknowledge the behavior. Changing your thoughts through self-affirmations and visualization is necessary to reprogram your mind. You can then walk through any fears you feel and express the emotion or emotions you have freely.

CBC Level I Shield logo 1To thoroughly rid yourself of old, limiting beliefs, it’s essential to completely dis-create them. As a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, I help guide you through the Imaginary Realm, where a negative belief that no longer serves you is pulled out and destroyed, much like an unwanted weed. As a result, space is generated for you to create a new, more empowering belief—one that gives you the experiences you desire in life. It’s simple but not easy.

The same can be said about life; life can be simple but isn’t always easy.

Schedule your free 15-minute assessment today!



Clear Your Beliefs

Clear Your Beliefs


Discover how the Clear Beliefs Method can help manifest anything you want in life…

Are you being held back by your limiting beliefs

  • You have dreams of living a purposeful and fulfilling life, only to see them shattered by some unknown reason.
  • You feel you’re intelligent and capable, but you find yourself falling short Limiting Belief Bubble 2at the most inopportune times.
  • You set a financial goal that will allow your family to live comfortably, only to see it crumble into “just enough to get by.”
  • You swear you will eat healthily and exercise more, but your cravings send you to the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.

What would your life be like if nothing held you back?

The Clear Beliefs Method

The Clear Your Beliefs program includes a 7-part audio series using the Clear Beliefs® techniques, plus eight personal coaching sessions tailored specifically for your needs. As a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach, I will guide you through the series and help you to eliminate a limiting belief in these areas:

  • What you believe about yourself
  • What you believe about your abilities
  • What you believe about love and relationships
  • What you believe about your financial situation and work
  • What you believe about your body and health

In our first session using the Clear Beliefs Method, we’ll discuss the issues and problems you’re facing in life, which will be our main focus moving through the program. The recordings will guide you through the most fundamental beliefs held in the psyche. After listening to a recorded session, freedom we’ll dive deeply into that topic and see how it impacts you in your life and your problem areas. The work we do together will result in healing your old would and freeing you from what has held you back. Nothing can stop you now!

Are you ready?

You can finally clear the negative and limiting beliefs that have prevented you from success, love, and full self-expression. I will guide you on a tour of your subconscious mind, where beliefs are stored. Together, we will examine your belief system, find the old programs that are interfering in your life, and delete them one by one. Then you can choose new empowering beliefs that will generate new feelings, thoughts, and attitudes—immediately!  Using this method, you can manifest anything you want in life!

Here’s what one person said about Go Within Spiritual Coaching and The Clear Your Beliefs 8-Week Coaching Program:

Working with Debbie was one of the most exciting and life-transforming journeys I’ve ever embarked on in my entire life. I learned so much about myself, my beliefs, and my reality, and I was able to release blocks that have held me back for years. By asking the right questions and gently picking up on my excuses, Debbie opened my eyes to an entirely new world. She is one of the most loving, heart-driven, and inspiring people I’ve ever met, and I can’t thank her enough for what she did for me.

Julia T., Germany


Schedule your free 15-minute Assessment today. 
Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to start your journey toward freedom?
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I Cleared a Belief


I Cleared A Belief!

The following is a brief summary of The Limiting Belief Quiz created by Lion Goodman. The link for the article is provided after the summary on limiting beliefs.


Have you created everything you’ve wanted in your life?

If the answer is no, you may be aware of only one reason why: your own limitations and whether they are beyond your control or not. But here’s the really fascinating thing not many people recognize: you have internal limitations as well. They are called limiting beliefs!

What is a Limiting Belief?

A limiting belief is an assumption or perception you have about yourself that limits your ability to achieve what you want. So, if you find yourself stuck and not producing the results you think you’re capable of, there’s a good chance an underlying limiting belief is a culprit.

How do you determine if you have limiting beliefs?

Take the Limiting Belief Quiz and you’ll be able to ascertain if your beliefs have a strong hold on you where you’re not living up to your full potential and may even be mired in deficiency, or you’re not limited at all by your beliefs.

The Limiting Belief Quiz article contains valuable information, such as what the little-known law of creation has to do with you not creating what you want in life. It also provides an easily understood analogy of planting seeds in a garden with planting new empowering beliefs. The BeliefCloset Process®, a method to change beliefs, is also mentioned.

Changing beliefs is now as easy as changing your clothes.™

Clear Beliefs and take the quiz today! You’ll be glad you did. I know I am!

Find The Limiting Belief Quiz™ here.

Schedule your free 15-minute Assessment with Debbie today!

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What Are Your Beliefs?

What Are Your Beliefs?

What are your beliefs

What Are Your Beliefs?

Do you believe you have what it takes to be successful but don’t know why you’re not where you want to be? Have you tried different ways to change and always find yourself back where you started? Are you sabotaging yourself?

If you resonate with any of these questions, it could mean you have core beliefs that are holding you back.

What are core beliefs, and how did I get them?

Core beliefs are beliefs you hold about yourself, other people, and the world you live in. Core beliefs can be indoctrinated by others, such as parents, teachers, siblings, etc., in the early stages of your life or consciously chosen. You held some of these beliefs because Bubble Why am I stuckthey helped you survive in a world where you were powerless. But perhaps today, they no longer serve you, and in fact, are limiting you.

Take the belief, “I’m not smart enough.”  It may be one that was indoctrinated by a teacher who once said that you’re stupid for not passing a spelling quiz. Or by a parent who told you that you’d never amount to anything. As you grew up, you looked for evidence to support that belief. Maybe you failed a class, and you said, “See, I am dumb.” It reinforced your core belief.

As you grew older and made your way in the world, you valued success and felt successful, but every time you were at a critical point to achieve it, you sabotaged yourself. You couldn’t understand why. One reason may be this:

You never deleted, removed, or dis-created the belief, “I’m not smart enough.” 

All you did was put new ones on top of it. You may have said, “I’m older and wiser now,” “I can achieve anything I put my mind to,” or “I am smart enough.” But the old core belief is still underneath. Just as you would Core Belief Garden pull up weeds and old flower roots before you planted a new garden, the same must be done with negative or limiting core beliefs—you must pull them out to make room for new empowering beliefs.

A few core beliefs are listed below. If you don’t feel you have any of these, you may have forgotten or repressed them. There’s a reason why you’re stuck and can’t move forward. My mission is to help you identify it and support you while you reconcile your past.

Core Beliefs

  • I am not good enough.
  • I am unlovable.
  • I don’t deserve success.
  • I am powerless.
  • I have to work hard to get ahead.
  • Everyone knows more than I do.
  • I cannot be myself, or I’ll be rejected.
  • People don’t listen to me.
  • I’m not smart enough.
  • Life is a struggle.
  • I have to be perfect.
  • I have to please others to be happy.

To discover your core beliefs, ask yourself what you believe about the following areas. Begin by saying, “What I believe about myself is …” Allow your stream of consciousness to lead you without any filtering. Do your best to keep pen to paper for whatever time you’ve chosen for each topic. I normally would say a minimum of thirty minutes for each, but you can choose the best time for you.

  • Myself
  • Money
  • My health
  • My body
  • My relationships
  • My work
  • My financial situation
  • My family
  • My abilities
  • My limitations
  • My attitudes

This is only a partial list, but it will get you started to explore.

Beliefs form when you repeat behaviors over and over again. They are programmed into you and eventually become habits. Some of these habits were formed for excellent reasons—at the time. The problem is they’ve become so ingrained; you are not consciously aware of them. If you want to end a bad habit, you need to uncover the core belief that is its cornerstone. It’s in your subconscious, and you have to find and eliminate the belief and then replace it with a better one.

This is done through the Clear Beliefs Process.

Schedule your free 15-minute Assessment today and learn more about the Clear Beliefs Process.

For more wis-bits and events, follow me on Facebook.


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