“A Must Read…..We all can relate one way or another.”

The Author, Ms. Debbie Gill, shared her most inner feelings and all her personal experiences during her lifetime. We all can relate to her story from different angles. We all have dark shadows that have come and gone in our lives as they had for Ms. Gill but a few can really open up so honestly as Ms. Gill has. I highly recommend reading Struck By Lightning as it’s the type of book once picked up is hard to put down. I’m so happy for Ms. Gill and commend her on all her accomplishment. Kudos to Ms. Gill.

October 24, 2018


“Behind the smile”

I have known Debbie for many of years as a hard-working entrepreneur, always friendly, always smiling!
I was anxious to support her newest endeavor and purchased a copy of her book.
I was so surprised to learn of her dark days and the obstacles that she overcame that I read the book within 24 hours!
The book is easy to read and inspirational ~ Kudos to you Deb

October 22, 2018


“Couldn’t stop reading”

I met Debbie the author at a Caroline Myss workshop about 5 years ago. To understand the archetypes and see them at play in your life for the good and the bad, Debbie’s personal struggle and story helped me see the 4 main archetypes more clearly in my life as well. She went through hell and back. I am so honored to have met her, read her story and the profound grace that her life has been filled with to have the strength to share it with the world. This book touched my soul in a deep way knowing that our paths crossed and she is very much alive, well, and survived her battle of addiction.
October 11, 2018

“Inspiring and Courageous”

A truly awe-inspiring story of Debbie Gill’s journey to become her best self. I cried tears as she broke open her heart and found the courage to dig deep into her soul. A book worth reading no matter where you are on your spiritual path.

August 22, 2018