My Real Life Example of the Process of Manifestation
I had become more open to following my intuition, so the experience I had on my way home from the airport was surprising, but not shocking. A thought downloaded into my consciousness—the name of a yoga business: Go Within Yoga. It was perfect; too perfect, I thought, for the internet domain to be available, but the urge to investigate the possibility made it difficult to drive.
As soon as I arrived home, I ran to my office and searched for the domain. I couldn’t find it, which meant it was available. I grabbed it, then got to work. I consciously manifested Go Within Yogaby following
my intuition and working through the difficulties. Two years after my studio was opened and thriving, I read Lion’s book, Creating On Purpose. I realized that it described what I had done exactly.
My original thought, the name for the website, (idea), came into existence (reality) as a studio, in only two months. Here’s how I moved down through the chakras:
I received the idea (Chakra seven) as a gift from the sea of infinite possibilities, and it was received by being open to my intuition and stream of consciousness. The crown chakra gives us access to higher states of awareness, beyond our personal preoccupations and thoughts.
I then began to visualize in my mind’s eye (Chakra six) what the studio and business would look like, and when it would happen. The sixth chakra is the center of intuition and foresight, and its function is driven by the principles of openness, insight, and imagination.
I began telling others (Chakra five)about my vision, which provided me feedback and support. The fifth chakra’s principles include expression and communication.
I received a great deal of support, which allowed my relationships with others (Chakra four) to flourish. Because we were working on behalf of service to
the community, many people wanted to help manifest the vision I shared with them. I received love, support, and supplies that could create beauty, which is also associated with the fourth chakra. The heart brings bright colors to our life, along with compassion and love. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth chakra bridges earthly and spiritual aspirations.
I then moved myself and others toward my goal using my will and personal power (Chakra three). I broke my big vision down into specific tasks that needed to be accomplished. The third chakra organizes fiery energy in order to move matter. It expresses our intention and moves the world, mobilizing energies of creation.
As I began to see my yoga studio coming together, it brought me pleasure (Chakra two), which spurred me forward. Everything I wanted came together, from the turquoise furniture I loved to a painting of the Buddha that fir perfectly on the wall. The second chakra is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. The principle of pleasure directs its function. It also represents sexuality, which is the pleasure of procreation, and pure creation.
My enthusiasm (from the Greek, en-theos, meaning, in God) and inspiration (to breathe in) brought my vision into reality step by step (Chakra one). From the crown to the ground, each step evolved fluidly and easily because I kept my system open and clear. Difficulties were not problems, just challenges to overcome. Prayer worked, as did staying centered, and doing my practices. The first chakra is the foundation upon which we build our life, the place we stand. It is where we ground ourselves into the earth, anchoring our energy into the manifested world.
As I complete all these steps, a pure thought turned into a successful business, Go Within Yoga. The entire process, from beginning to end, took only two months!
One reason it went so smoothly was that I had no beliefs, blocks, or resistance to the idea. It was what I wanted. I didn’t question, ” How will I get clients?” or “How will I make money?” Those thoughts would have caused internal resistance, and blocked me. If that were the case, I could have used the Clear Beliefs Method which may have taken longer, but I still would have been able to bring my dream into reality.
Your shadow. Let’s face it; no one wants to go there. Yet, there is an immense feeling of relief when you do. So, why are most people reluctant? I have found the number one reason is fear. FEAR. Fear of discovering all the things you don’t like about others is residing within you and your subconscious.
Maybe you’ve reacted badly to a person or situation and wondered, “What the heck just happened? I don’t know why I did that.”
What happened was a shadow aspect or a belief, was activated in your subconscious. And often, when you hear it was your shadow side, there is denial. Other things besides fear, we may find in our shadow, may include our anger, our shame, our grief, our unwillingness to take responsibility in and area of our life, or our wounded child.
Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of others. ~ Carl Jung
Whatever in ourselves we’re keeping in the dark doesn’t go away just because we don’t see, hear, or feel it. Actually, the more we deny it or push it away, the stronger it becomes, weaving its way into our everyday life. Take a few moments to complete the following sentences without thinking. Say your answers out loud and then immediately write what you just said. Later revisit your responses and add anything else that comes to you.
Looking Inside to Your Shadow
Something in me I often feel an aversion for is __________________________________________.
The emotion I’m least comfortable expressing is _________________________________________.
What I have a hard time admitting in an argument is ______________________________________.
What I’m most hesitant to express in a relationship is _____________________________________.
What I least want others to know about me is ___________________________________________.
I don’t like admitting that I am _____________________________________________________.
When I feel shame, what I usually do is _______________________________________________.
What I most readily judge others for is _______________________________________________.
I tend to give my power away when _________________________________________________.
Your responses point to things that are probably in your shadow, whether partially or fully. What matters here is that you’re turning toward your shadow, accessing some curiosity about what may be in it. Looking inside is a process of ongoing discovery; treat it as such. (Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark, by Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D.)
Much, if not all, of our shadow, was indoctrinated when we were small. Our parents told us how to act, how to feel, what was right or wrong; our behavior was being conditioned or programmed into what our parents thought was an acceptable form. Then our siblings, grandparents, teachers, and religious leaders layered conditions on us. These conditions became our beliefs.
We all have beliefs,
but most of us don’t know them very well. And our shadow is packed with beliefs we haven’t examined, faced, or even brought into our consciousness. When you react negatively to something, there’s a belief you need to explore. Reactivity is the knee-jerk dramatization of activated shadow material. Some people think that if they just think positive thoughts and use affirmations, they’ll change.
They may, but not for long.
Your conditioning will always come back up, like an unwanted weed. One way of getting a handle on your reactivity is to admit to your self you’re reactive. Pause a moment. When you take time and step back from whatever it is that activated you, you begin to create space for the reactive you instead of continuing to identify with it. In a way, you are creating space for yourself as intervening in your own reactivity. As a result, you can acknowledge the shadow self and then begin the process of learning how to work with it.
It begins with awareness; then, the work follows.
Future posts will feature the following areas and more:
Facing Anger: Do you believe anger is a negative emotion and shouldn’t be expressed, especially by women? When you were a child, did you have the ability to communicate it? Does getting angry threaten your relationships with others? Do you feel vulnerable when your anger arises? Did you suffer a loss or wound and use anger to suppress it?
Facing Judgment: Do you judge others for how they look, what they wear, say, or do? Are you critical of, or do you find fault with another person, group of people, an idea, or situation? When we are unaware of our judgmental tendencies, we become angry, hateful, defensive, anxious, and isolated.
Facing Your Inner Child: Do you throw a hissy fit because you didn’t get your way? Do you feel abandoned when a friend, family member, or partner does something without you? Do you have a deep fear of change, or are you unable to let go of something? Do you need to be validated and understood?
Self-Sabotage Uncovered: Do you undermine your success in business, relationships, health, or finances? What fears have the most authority over you? Have you let creative opportunities pass by you? Do you wonder what keeps you from stepping outside your comfort zone? Do you fear a change of any type in your life?
Until next time, may you always live a life of love, joy, and happiness!
As 2019 closes to an end, and we embark on the beginning of a new decade, Go Within Spiritual Coaching would like to express our gratitude for your time, interest, and business. We look forward to working with you again in 2020 and are offering you a discount of 10% off any service. (This includes prior or existing clients; message me with the coupon code: BELIEF. The coupon expires on January 31, 2020, so don’t delay!)
Mind, Body, Spirit Festival
My workshop, CLEAR BELIEFS® WORKSHOP is scheduled for 1:00 PM.
CLEAR BELIEFS® WORKSHOP Clearing Your Beliefs is Now as Easy as Changing Your Clothes.
In this 45-minute workshop, you will learn the following topics:
• What Beliefs Are
• Where Do Beliefs Come From?
• The Creation Cycle
• The Role of Resistance
• How Beliefs Function
• The Imaginal Realm
The Clear Beliefs® Process allows you to:
• Identify old beliefs and patterns of behavior you adopted in the past (either consciously or unconsciously);
• Examine them for their relevance and value to your life today (or not);
• Decide and choose to keep them—or eliminate them from your life;
• Dis-create (discard, delete) beliefs that no longer serve you; and
• Create new, empowering beliefs, attitudes and abilities that support the creation and manifestation of your ideal life.
Warning: The Clear Beliefs® Process can take you deeper into yourself and your consciousness than you can imagine. The Clear Beliefs® Process looks like a simple belief-clearing tool. It is actually a profound healing methodology.
Workshop Date/Time: January 18, 2020 1:00 – 1:45 pm
Cecil College Lifelong Learning will be hosting our 10th annual Mind, Body, & Spirit Festival on January 17th, 18th & 19th, 2020!
Come for a weekend of mindfulness, relaxation, massage, learning, and meditation. We are bringing in vendors and presenters from all over the country to provide the most fulfilling experience possible.
Please visit here often for updates on which vendors will be attending this year. We are very excited to see you in January!
Cecil College Elkton Station
107 Railroad Avenue
Elkton, MD 21921
Friday, January 17th – 6 pm to 9 pm – Get an early entrance to see the vendors and shop!
Saturday, January 18th – 9 am to 6 pm – Vendors and workshops will be running and available all day! Free totes will be given out to all participants until we run out.
Sunday, January 19th – 10 am to 4 pm – Visit vendors, relax, de-stress and enjoy your time!
We have a new discount pricing for our 10th anniversary!
**Vendors Only: FREE All Weekend, Friday-Sunday!
**Workshops and Vendors: Only $10 this year to attend up to 6 workshops on Saturday! Participants who attend Saturday workshops will also receive a special gift!
Cash only at the door. We do have an ATM machine if needed.
*$10 includes up to 6 workshops on Saturday beginning at 10 am! Lunch will be available for purchase this year and is not included in the price of admissions.
For more info, email or call Tammy at 443-907-1378.
To request vendor or sponsorship information, email
**Snow Dates are scheduled for 1/24/20-1/26/20
We hope to see you there! Until then, have a safe and happy holiday season! Don’t forget to use your coupon!
Connect with me on Facebook and ask how Clear Belief® Coaching Processes Work!
The following is a brief summary of The Limiting Belief Quiz™created by Lion Goodman. The link for the article is provided after the summary on limiting beliefs.
Have you created everything you’ve wanted in your life?
If the answer is no, you may be aware of only one reason why: your own limitations and whether they are beyond your control or not. But here’s the really fascinating thing not many people recognize: you have internal limitations as well. They are called limiting beliefs!
What is a Limiting Belief?
A limiting belief is an assumption or perception you have about yourself that limits your ability to achieve what you want. So, if you find yourself stuck and not producing the results you think you’re capable of, there’s a good chance an underlying limiting belief is a culprit.
How do you determine if you have limiting beliefs?
Take the Limiting Belief Quiz ™ and you’ll be able to ascertain if your beliefs have a strong hold on you where you’re not living up to your full potential and may even be mired in deficiency, or you’re not limited at all by your beliefs.
The Limiting Belief Quiz ™ article contains valuable information, such as what the little-known law of creation has to do with you not creating what you want in life. It also provides an easily understood analogy of planting seeds in a garden with planting new empowering beliefs. The BeliefCloset Process®, a method to change beliefs, is also mentioned.
Changing beliefs is now as easy as changing your clothes.™
Clear Beliefs and take the quiz today! You’ll be glad you did. I know I am!
Do you believe you have what it takes to be successful but don’t know why you’re not where you want to be? Have you tried different ways to change and always find yourself back where you started? Are you sabotaging yourself?
If you resonate with any of these questions, it could mean you have core beliefs that are holding you back.
Core beliefs are beliefs you hold about yourself, other people, and the world you live in. Core beliefs can be indoctrinated by others, such as parents, teachers, siblings, etc., in the early stages of your life or consciously chosen. You held some of these beliefs because they helped you survive in a world where you were powerless. But perhaps today, they no longer serve you, and in fact, are limiting you.
Take the belief, “I’m not smart enough.” It may be one that was indoctrinated by a teacher who once said that you’re stupid for not passing a spelling quiz. Or by a parent who told you that you’d never amount to anything. As you grew up, you looked for evidence to support that belief. Maybe you failed a class, and you said, “See, I am dumb.” It reinforced your core belief.
As you grew older and made your way in the world, you valued success and felt successful, but every time you were at a critical point to achieve it, you sabotaged yourself. You couldn’t understand why. One reason may be this:
You never deleted, removed, or dis-created the belief, “I’m not smart enough.”
All you did was put new ones on top of it. You may have said, “I’m older and wiser now,” “I can achieve anything I put my mind to,” or “I am smart enough.” But the old core belief is still underneath. Just as you would
pull up weeds and old flower roots before you planted a new garden, the same must be done with negative or limiting core beliefs—you must pull them out to make room for new empowering beliefs.
A few core beliefs are listed below. If you don’t feel you have any of these, you may have forgotten or repressed them. There’s a reason why you’re stuck and can’t move forward. My mission is to help you identify it and support you while you reconcile your past.
Core Beliefs
I am not good enough.
I am unlovable.
I don’t deserve success.
I am powerless.
I have to work hard to get ahead.
Everyone knows more than I do.
I cannot be myself, or I’ll be rejected.
People don’t listen to me.
I’m not smart enough.
Life is a struggle.
I have to be perfect.
I have to please others to be happy.
To discover your core beliefs, ask yourself what you believe about the following areas. Begin by saying, “What I believe about myself is …” Allow your stream of consciousness to lead you without any filtering. Do your best to keep pen to paper for whatever time you’ve chosen for each topic. I normally would say a minimum of thirty minutes for each, but you can choose the best time for you.
My health
My body
My relationships
My work
My financial situation
My family
My abilities
My limitations
My attitudes
This is only a partial list, but it will get you started to explore.
Beliefs form when you repeat behaviors over and over again. They are programmed into you and eventually become habits. Some of these habits were formed for excellent reasons—at the time. The problem is they’ve become so ingrained; you are not consciously aware of them. If you want to end a bad habit, you need to uncover the core belief that is its cornerstone. It’s in your subconscious, and you have to find and eliminate the belief and then replace it with a better one.
This is done through the Clear Beliefs Process.
Scheduleyour free 15-minute Assessment today and learn more about theClear Beliefs Process.
For more wis-bits and events, follow me on Facebook.