Mindfulness Habits: Simple Steps to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Mindfulness Habits: Simple Steps to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Mindfulness habits - Mindfulness quote

Mindfulness Habits: Simple Steps to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

What Are Mindfulness Habits?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present—directing your attention to what you’re doing and your surroundings rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness habits are simple, daily practices that help cultivate awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

If you’re looking for a deeper transformation, mindfulness plays a key role in transformative coaching—a powerful approach that helps you break through limiting beliefs and create lasting change in your life.

As Jon Kabat-Zinn defines it, mindfulness involves:
✅ Paying attention on purpose
✅ Staying rooted in the present moment
✅ Observing without judgment

Breaking Down Mindfulness Habits

🔹 On Purpose – Practicing mindfulness means intentionally directing your focus. When we live more consciously, we stay awake and engaged in the moment.

🔹 In the Present Moment – Letting go of tension caused by wishing things were different helps us accept and embrace what is happening right now.

🔹 Non-Judgmentally – Practicing mindfulness doesn’t mean stopping thoughts—it means observing them without judgment and allowing experiences to unfold naturally.

Mindfulness habits - cartoon

Why Are Mindfulness Habits Important?

You might be wondering: What does living in the present even mean?

Have you ever driven somewhere, arrived, and realized you don’t remember the journey? Or walked into a room but forgot why you went there?

These are signs of mindlessness—being stuck on autopilot rather than truly engaging with your experiences. Mindfulness habits break this cycle, bringing you back to awareness so you can fully experience life.

Mindfulness in Daily Life

One of the best ways to integrate mindfulness habits is by engaging in daily activities with full awareness.

For example, in yoga practice, rather than focusing on how a pose should look, I encourage students to focus on how it feels. This shift allows them to experience the present moment rather than getting caught up in expectations.

Mindfulness habits - Worrier Pose or Warrior Pose

The same applies to daily life—when you live in the past, you carry guilt and regret. When you live in the future, you carry stress and anxiety.

By practicing mindfulness habits, you shift from being a spectator of life to being an active participant.

6 Quick & Easy Mindfulness Habits

If you’re new to mindfulness, here are six simple mindfulness habits you can start today—each takes one minute or less!

1. Count Your Breaths

  • Inhale, count 1, exhale 2.
  • Continue counting up to 10, then repeat three times.
  • This helps reset your mind and bring awareness to your breath.

2. Yawn & Stretch Every Hour

  • Fake a yawn to trigger a real one.
  • Stretch your arms slowly for 10 seconds, noticing any tension.
  • Take another 20 seconds to check in with your body.

3. Mindful Touch Exercise

  • Close your eyes and stroke your fingers gently with the opposite hand.
  • Focus on sensation and texture as you repeat on both hands.

4. Do a Quick Body Scan

  • Start at the top of your head and move your awareness down to your toes.
  • Relax each body part as you bring attention to it.

5. Mindful Eating

  • Choose a raisin or piece of chocolate.
  • Observe it with all five senses before eating slowly.
  • Appreciate its texture, taste, and aroma with each bite.

6. One-Minute Breathing Exercise

  • Place a hand on your stomach and focus on the rise and fall of your breath.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breathing.

The Power of Mindfulness Habits

Just like weightlifting builds muscle, mindfulness strengthens your ability to stay present. The more consistently you practice, the more time you’ll spend living in the moment rather than lost in distractions.

Mindfulness is also a foundational part of transformative coaching—helping individuals release limiting thoughts and embrace a mindset of growth and self-awareness.

So, wouldn’t NOW be the perfect time to start your mindfulness practice?

💡 Ready to transform your mindset?
Schedule your FREE 15-minute Virtual Coffee today to explore how mindfulness habits can improve your life.

What is Shadow Work: 1 Essential Step to Self-Discovery

What is Shadow Work: 1 Essential Step to Self-Discovery

Shadow work meaning

Shadow Work Meaning: Understanding and Integrating Your Hidden Self

To fully grasp the meaning of Shadow Work, you must first understand the shadow self. According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, the shadow consists of the parts of ourselves that we suppress, reject, or deny—often because they don’t align with societal expectations or personal ideals. These hidden aspects don’t disappear; instead, they get buried in the unconscious mind, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways we may not even realize.

Many of these shadow aspects form during childhood when we learn which traits are “acceptable” and which are met with criticism or rejection. Over time, we push unwanted parts of ourselves into the background—our fears, insecurities, selfish tendencies, or unresolved emotions. However, ignoring the shadow doesn’t eliminate it; it only causes unconscious behaviors that can negatively impact our lives.

What Are Shadow Traits?

When you explore Shadow Work meaning, some shadow aspects emerge:

  • Selfishness
  • Aggressive impulses
  • Shame or guilt
  • Entitlement
  • Jealousy or envy
  • Fear of rejection or failure
  • Judgmental attitudes

These hidden traits often manifest in destructive behaviors, such as:

🔹 Criticizing others for traits you secretly see in yourself
🔹 Feeling entitled and acting superior to others
🔹 Judging people unfairly or harshly
🔹 Playing the victim instead of taking responsibility

When left unchecked, a suppressed shadow can contribute to emotional struggles and self-sabotage, leading to:

🚨 Addictions
🚨 Uncontrollable anger or rage
🚨 Social anxiety
🚨 Obsessive-compulsive behaviors
🚨 Depression
🚨 Self-sabotage
🚨 Limiting beliefs

The more we suppress these parts of ourselves, the more they unconsciously influence our actions, decisions, and relationships.

Shadow Work Meaning

Shadow Work meaning is the intentional process of exploring, understanding, and integrating your shadow self. It’s about facing your hidden fears, patterns, and wounds, rather than avoiding them. This inner work allows you to reclaim suppressed parts of yourself, turning unconscious behaviors into conscious choices.

At its core, true Shadow Work meaning includes:

✔️ Acknowledging your shadow self instead of ignoring it
✔️ Embracing difficult emotions and hidden fears
✔️ Healing past wounds instead of reliving them in cycles
✔️ Integrating these lessons into your conscious experience

Rather than something to fear, your shadow holds deep wisdom and untapped potential.

How to Begin Shadow Work

Shadow Work is deeply personal, and everyone’s journey will look different. However, some of the most effective methods include:

1. Mindfulness Meditation: Becoming Present with Your Shadow

Sitting in silence and stillness allows you to observe thoughts and emotions without judgment. Mindfulness Meditation is a valuable tool because it helps you develop self-awareness, making it easier to recognize shadow triggers as they arise.

2. Cultivating Self-Compassion

Shadow Work requires self-acceptance. Many people struggle with their shadow because they feel ashamed of these parts. Instead of pushing them away, practice self-compassion by acknowledging that your fears and emotions are valid and worthy of attention.

3. Journaling: An Unfiltered Window into Your Shadow

Writing out your emotions, thoughts, and insights without censorship can provide breakthroughs in self-discovery. Try stream-of-consciousness writing—allowing whatever thoughts emerge to flow onto the page without judgment.

Journal Prompts for Shadow Work:

✍️ What emotions do I avoid expressing? Why?
✍️ What traits do I judge in others that I may secretly have myself?
✍️ What fears or limiting beliefs hold me back the most?
✍️ What childhood experiences shaped my current behaviors and reactions?

Reviewing past journal entries can help reveal recurring patterns in your thinking and behavior.

Why Do Shadow Work?

You might be wondering, “Why should I do Shadow Work?”

The truth is, until you own your shadow, your shadow will own you. When you refuse to acknowledge hidden fears and insecurities, they manifest in unconscious ways, affecting your:

Relationships – Repeating the same unhealthy dynamics
Career & Success – Self-sabotage, procrastination, or imposter syndrome
Self-Worth – Feeling undeserving or constantly seeking validation
Decision-Making – Acting from fear rather than confidence

When you work with your shadow, you stop projecting your hidden wounds onto others and instead turn inward to heal and integrate these aspects.

The Hidden Gifts of Shadow Work

Shadow Work isn’t just about healing; it’s also about unlocking your potential. When properly integrated, the shadow self contains strengths that can fuel personal growth, such as:

🌟 Creativity – Repressed emotions often block creative expression
🌟 Intuition – Self-awareness enhances gut instincts and decision-making
🌟 Resilience – Facing your shadow builds inner strength and emotional stability
🌟 Self-Esteem – Accepting all aspects of yourself leads to deep self-worth

Your shadow holds powerful, untapped resources. When embraced, it becomes a source of wisdom, authenticity, and transformation.

Final Thoughts: Embrace Your Shadow, Reclaim Your Power

Shadow Work isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most profound forms of self-healing and personal growth. By exploring the hidden parts of yourself, you gain emotional clarity, resilience, and self-mastery.

If you’re ready to start your journey, Go Within Spiritual Coaching offers a 6-week online course, Say Hello to Your Shadow Fears, designed to help you:

🌑 Identify and work with your shadow self
🌑 Transform limiting patterns into strengths
🌑 Heal past wounds and break self-sabotaging cycles
🌑 Step into self-awareness, confidence, and emotional freedom

Don’t let hidden fears control your life. It’s time to reclaim your power.

👉 Enroll in Say Hello to Your Shadow Fears Now



Manifesting through the chakras 1


In February of 2014, I signed up for John Holland and Sonia Choquette‘s, “Awaken Your Spirit” cruise. Little did I know, my life was about to change dramatically ~ my intuition was about to explode!  

I boarded the plane home and took my aisle seat, barely noticing the man sitting by the window. Since the flight was full, I found it odd nobody was sitting in the center. Several minutes after take-off, the word “fish” entered my mind. I noticed it return several times and began to get annoyed at myself. The more I tried to stop it, the stronger it became. After fifteen minutes I gave up and turned to the man by the window.fish

“Excuse me, sir,” I politely spoke. “This may seem like a strange question, but do you fish?” “Why,” he replied. “Do I smell like a fish?” Of course not, I told him and went on to say I couldn’t get the word out of my head. He did say he visited his brother in the Keys and went fishing with him for two weeks. Hmmm…

We chatted the entire three hours to Philadelphia, and I soon discovered “fish” was the opening for me to help him become present. In short, he was worried about his adult children’s addictions and behaviors, and I mentioned mindfulness meditation might be helpful. As we landed, he asked me how he could find information on meditation. I smiled as I pulled out my new Mindful magazine and handed it to him.

What happened next is a beautiful illustration of how Go Within Yoga was manifested through my chakras.conceptionofanidea

As I drove home, an idea was formed in my stream of awareness, (chakra seven) and it moved down into my consciousness. The thought was a yoga studio with the name “Go Within Yoga.” This is the conception of the idea.  Next, I needed to check if it was aligned with my life purpose. Discovering the domain www.gowithinyoga.com was available was proof it was congruent with my intentions.

This led me to give substance to that intention using my imagination (chakra six) to visualize what the studio would look like when finished.

Then I stepped it down to the realm of communication (chakra five) when I told Fr. Bill and a few close friends about the idea. Fr. Bill told me to “go for it” and my friends offered their encouragement with their feedback. This step led me to the realm of relationships (chakra four), where I connected with others to work with; the people who installed my floor, mirrors, and blinds, those who would become clients and potential clients.

Using my will (chakra three), I began to move toward my goal. I have specific deadlines for the painting and various installations, as well as what I need to furnish and decorate the reception area of the studio. I take action and when obstacles appear, I overcome them.

Now, results can be seen, which drives my enthusiasm (chakra two). I know what items I want, ask for them, and attract what I need. They appear in front of me whenever I’m out. It fills me with enough excitement to keep my momentum going. My dream is coming into reality.

After I complete all the steps necessary (chakra one), my vision has now manifested into physical form.  I have created a new business that is in alignment with my life’s purpose and serves others. Go Within Yoga In essences, I have given birth to Go Within Yoga through my chakras!

If you want to learn more about manifesting through the chakras, connect with me on Facebook under Events.

Some of the material included in this post came from “Creating on Purpose,” by  Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman under the “fair use” rule of copyright law.