Don’t Take Anything Personally – A Path to True Freedom
Before I got sober, I took everything personally. If someone looked at me the wrong way, I’d cry. I had no self-esteem, and even the slightest negative comment—whether it was meant to help or not—would completely shatter me. I was hypersensitive and constantly felt like the world was against me. My worth was so tied up in what others thought of me that I felt like I was walking through life on a fragile glass floor, waiting for it to crack beneath me.
This way of living was exhausting. I lived with the constant fear of judgment, rejection, and criticism, always searching for validation from others to feel okay about myself. But the truth was, no amount of external approval could fix the deep void within me. I needed something more substantial. Something that wasn’t dependent on the shifting opinions of others.
That’s when The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz came into my life, and one of its core teachings—Don’t Take Anything Personally—started to shift my entire perspective.
Understanding the Power of “Don’t Take Anything Personally”
The second agreement in The Four Agreements is a simple yet profound idea: nothing others do is because of you. Instead, it’s a reflection of their reality. People’s actions and words are shaped by their experiences, beliefs, and emotions. What they project onto you is about them, not you.
It was a revelation for someone like me—who used to live for other people’s approval. Whenever I took someone’s words or actions personally, I gave them control over my emotions and my sense of self-worth. I was letting other people define me. But what Ruiz taught me was that I could take my power back. I didn’t have to let others dictate how I felt about myself.
The Shift: Reclaiming My Power
The idea that what others say and do has nothing to do with me was liberating. I began to see how often I had been giving away my power by allowing the words of others to affect me so profoundly. Whether it was a harsh comment from a stranger, criticism from a loved one, or an offhand remark, I allowed it to dictate my mood, self-esteem, and, ultimately, happiness.
But here’s the truth: when you stop taking things personally, you regain control of your emotions. You stop living in constant reaction mode and start responding from a place of inner strength. You begin to realize that you define yourself, not anyone else. That is true freedom.
What AA Taught Me: What Others Think Is None of My Business
I learned another powerful lesson in AA that helped solidify this understanding: What someone thinks about me is none of my business. It was such a simple phrase, but it resonated deeply with me. I was obsessed with what other people thought of me for so long. I felt like I needed their approval to feel okay about myself, and if I didn’t get it, I was crushed.
But this lesson taught me that I am not responsible for other people’s opinions. Their thoughts are shaped by their experiences, biases, and emotional state. I have no control over them, and more importantly, they have no control over me—unless I let them.
This realization was like a breath of fresh air. It allowed me to let go of the constant worry about how I was being perceived. I stopped living my life for others and started living it for myself.
My Spiritual Awakening: The Masks Came Off
After years of hiding behind the masks I’d worn for so long—masks of trying to be perfect, to please others, and to be someone I wasn’t—I experienced a profound spiritual awakening. When the masks came off, I stopped caring what anyone thought of me. It wasn’t that I didn’t value the opinions of those I loved, but I no longer needed their approval to feel okay.
I finally understood that I didn’t have to be perfect, and I didn’t have to seek validation outside of myself. I knew who I was; more importantly, God knew the truth. And that was all that mattered.
The sense of peace and freedom I felt was indescribable. For the first time, I wasn’t living for anyone else’s approval. I wasn’t trying to be something I wasn’t. I was being myself—unapologetically.
How You Can Apply This to Your Own Life
If you struggle with taking things personally—if you feel like others’ words and opinions weigh you down, keep you small, or dictate your sense of self-worth—I encourage you to reflect on this second agreement from The Four Agreements. Consider the following questions:
How often do you take things personally?
How do you allow others’ opinions to dictate your emotions and actions?
What would it feel like to release yourself from needing external approval?
When you stop taking things personally, you begin to experience a level of freedom and peace that is difficult to describe. You realize you don’t have to carry the weight of others’ judgments or expectations. You can be, knowing that your worth comes from within.
You are not responsible for anyone else’s opinions or feelings. You are only responsible for your inner peace. And that is more than enough.
Learning to stop taking things personally was one of the most critical shifts in my life. It allowed me to break free from the chains of other people’s opinions and find a sense of inner strength and peace that I never thought was possible. I no longer live in constant fear of what others might think. I know who I am, and I know my truth. And that’s all that matters.
Schedule your complimentary Discovery call today if you’re ready to reclaim your power and stop living for others. You might be surprised at how much lighter and freer you feel when you stop taking things personally.
“Be impeccable with your word.” This is the first of the four agreements laid out by Don Miguel Ruiz in his transformative book, The Four Agreements. It’s a principle that seems simple on the surface but holds profound significance in how we live our lives.
Ruiz teaches that our words are not just sounds or symbols; they are powerful tools we use to create our reality. When we speak, we send out energy that can either build up or break down. The word “impeccable” comes from the Latin word peccatus, which means “sin.” To be impeccable with your word means to be without sin, to speak with integrity, and to use your words in the direction of truth and love.
Why Being Impeccable with Your Word Matters
Words Create Reality:
According to Ruiz, our words have the power to manifest reality. When we speak, we cast spells with our words, whether we realize it or not. We cast a negative spell if we constantly criticize ourselves or others. Conversely, when we speak words of love, kindness, and encouragement, we bring those positive energies into our world.
Avoid Gossip:
Gossip is a form of misuse of the word. It spreads negativity and can harm others, even if unintentionally. I’ve learned through my own experiences that gossip not only hurts those we speak about but also poisons our own hearts. By avoiding gossip, we purify our words and our intentions.
Speak with Integrity:
Being impeccable with your word means aligning your words with your values. It means speaking truthfully and purposefully, avoiding words that harm or mislead. This creates trust and respect in our relationships and within ourselves.
Words Have the Power to Heal or Harm:
I’ve been on both sides of this truth. In the past, I used words carelessly, often harming others without realizing the impact. But today, I choose to use my words to heal, uplift, and inspire. It’s a daily practice, and while I’m not perfect, I strive to improve daily.
Tips for Being Impeccable with Your Word
Pause Before Speaking: Take a moment to consider the impact of your words before you speak. Ask yourself if what you’re about to say is true, necessary, and kind. It would be best to go three for three or not say it at all.
Choose Words that Uplift: Make a conscious effort to use words that build others up rather than tear them down. Compliment, encourage, and express gratitude often.
Avoid Gossip: Avoid conversations that involve speaking negatively about others. Instead, redirect the conversation to something positive or walk away if necessary.
Be Honest and Clear: When you speak, be truthful and clear. This helps prevent misunderstandings and builds trust in your relationships.
Practice Self-Compassion: Being impeccable with your word isn’t just about how you speak to others—it’s also about how you speak to yourself. Practice self-compassion and avoid negative self-talk.
The power of words is immense. They can create or destroy, build or break. By being impeccable with our words, we align ourselves with truth and integrity, fostering a more positive and loving environment for ourselves and those around us. Remember, every word you speak is a choice—choose wisely.
Reflective Questions:
How often do you pause to consider the impact of your words before you speak?
How can you practice being more impeccable with your word in your daily life?
How might your relationships change if you focused on using your words to build others up rather than tear them down?
Quote to Ponder:“The human mind is like a fertile ground where seeds are continually being planted. The seeds are opinions, ideas, and concepts. You plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile! The only problem is that too often it is fertile for the seeds of fear.” — Don Miguel Ruiz
Schedule your complimentary Discovery call to learn how to begin living The Four Agreements. It’s simple but not easy. It would be an honor to discuss the best path for you.
In a world brimming with complexity and noise, finding a path to inner peace and personal freedom can seem like an elusive dream. However, Don Miguel Ruiz‘s The Four Agreementsoffers a simple yet profound roadmap for achieving that. , This book, rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom, has become a cornerstone for those seeking to transform their lives through conscious living. Let’s explore the essence of each agreement and how they can lead us toward a more harmonious and authentic life.
1. Be Impeccable with Your Word
The first and arguably most crucial agreement is to be impeccable with your word. It doesn’t just mean speaking truthfully; it’s about using your words to uplift, inspire, and create a positive reality for yourself and others. Words have power—they can build or destroy, heal or hurt. When we speak with integrity and kindness, we align ourselves with our true nature and foster trust in our relationships.
Reflection: How often do we speak without thinking, letting our words carry negativity or judgment? Imagine the transformation if we chose our words carefully, using them to nurture and empower those around us.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
The second agreement invites us to release the burden of taking things personally. People’s actions and words often reflect their own internal world and are not a true judgment of us. By not internalizing others’ opinions or behaviors, we liberate ourselves from unnecessary suffering and maintain our inner peace.
Reflection: Consider when a casual remark or someone’s behavior ruined your day. What if you could detach from it, knowing it wasn’t truly about you? This agreement offers freedom from the emotional rollercoaster of external validation.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Assumptions are the root of misunderstandings, conflicts, and unnecessary drama. The third agreement urges us to communicate clearly and ask questions instead of making assumptions. When we clarify our understanding, we avoid misinterpretations and foster healthier, more transparent relationships.
Reflection: How often do assumptions cloud our perceptions and lead to conflict? Committing to clear communication opens the door to deeper connection and mutual understanding.
4. Always Do Your Best
The final agreement ties everything together: always do your best. This doesn’t mean striving for perfection but rather doing your best with the circumstances, energy, and resources you have at any given moment. By doing your best, you can avoid self-judgment, regret, and guilt, knowing you’ve given your all.
Reflection: Our best will vary from day to day. Some days, our best might be a significant achievement; others, it might be simply getting through. When we embrace this principle, we practice self-compassion and maintain our momentum toward personal growth.
Applying The Four Agreements to Everyday Life
The Four Agreements are not just abstract principles but practical tools for living a more conscious and fulfilling life. Here’s how you can start applying them:
Practice mindfulness: Regularly check in with yourself. Are your words aligned with kindness and truth? Are you taking something personally that you shouldn’t be?
Engage in open communication: Make it a habit to ask questions rather than assume. This simple practice can transform your relationships.
Embrace self-compassion: Remember that doing your best varies from moment to moment. Be gentle with yourself, especially during challenging times.
A Journey Toward Freedom
Incorporating The Four Agreements into your life is a journey—a continuous process of self-awareness and intentional living. As you practice these agreements, you’ll likely notice a shift in your inner world, leading to greater peace, resilience, and joy.
For those embarking on a journey of change, especially in recovery, The Four Agreements is one of the first books I recommend. It teaches you how to unlearn everything you’ve ever learned, allowing you to shed old patterns and embrace a new way of being. Personally, it helped me tremendously when I was first in recovery, providing me with the foundational principles to rebuild my life.
Schedule your complimentary Discovery call today to learn how The Four Agreements can be incorporated into your personalized roadmap, allowing you to step into your confidence with peace of mind.
The Four Agreements provide a grounding framework to return to authenticity and personal freedom in a world where external demands and distractions often pull us away from our true selves. By being impeccable with our word, refusing to take things personally, avoiding assumptions, and always doing our best, we create a life of integrity, peace, and profound fulfillment.
Let these agreements be your compass as you navigate the complexities of life, guiding you toward a path of inner peace, boundless freedom, and confidence.
Finding Motivation in the Midst of Summer: Tips to Beat the Heat and Get Things Done
As we step into the heat of the summer, especially after holiday celebrations, finding the motivation to keep pushing forward can be tough. Whether it’s the overwhelming heat, a packed schedule, or the post-holiday slowdown, we all feel the mid-summer slump at some point. Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Myss, which was incredibly inspiring. Yet, even with such high moments, I find myself needing to reignite my drive during these lazy, hazy days.
Here are some practical tips to help you do just that:
Start Small: In the aftermath of my interview with Caroline Myss, I’ve been reminded that small actions can lead to significant momentum and the biggest shifts in our energy and outlook. Start with something minimal and manageable—like organizing your desk or jotting down a few lines for your next project. Small wins build momentum. I’m breaking down the editing of the recording of our conversation into 10-minute segments.
Change Your Environment: If the summer heat is zapping your energy, try making your workspace more inviting. Adjust the lighting and temperature, and perhaps introduce a fan or an air conditioner. A comfortable environment can significantly enhance your productivity. I shut the shades and brought in the Dyson heating/cooling fan I was gifted to make my office comfortable, as it tends to get very warm on the second floor.
Set a Timer: The Pomodoro Techniqueis perfect for maintaining focus and efficiency. Work in short bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. This method helps you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed, which has been especially useful as I tackle editing my interview with Caroline.
Visualize Your Success: Close your eyes and imagine completing your tasks.Visualizing the outcomecan be a powerful motivator, filling you with a rush of enthusiasm to make that vision a reality. I did this and succeeded in attaining the interview with Caroline for my podcast. She even endorses my book on it!
Connect with Your ‘Why’: Remind yourself why your work matters. Connecting with the purpose behind your tasks can reignite your passion and propel you forward. My interview with Caroline Myss deepened my understanding of this, as sharing such powerful insights really impacts others. I want to create a community for healing trauma and addiction.
Life often throws us curves that can derail our plans and sap our motivation. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, but it’s important to devise a strategy to move forward. To learn more about finding the motivation inside you that may be sleeping or to connect with your Why, schedule a 60-minute complimentary Discovery calltoday. Together, we’ll wake it up so you can live your best life as the person you were born to be.
Embracing the Breakdown: The Precursor to Breakthrough
In the journey of personal transformation and healing, we often hear about the glorious breakthroughs—those moments of clarity and empowerment that propel us forward. However, what’s less discussed, yet equally significant, is the breakdown that often precedes the breakthrough. This concept is vividly explored in Chapter 10 of my book, “Struck by Lightning: My Journey from the Shadow to the Light,” where I delve into the depths of my darkest moments and how they set the stage for profound change. This theme is also the focus of Episode 10 of my podcast, “From the Shadow to the Light.”
The Breakdown: A Crucible of Change
Before I experienced my breakthrough, I went through a period that can only be described as a complete breakdown. I was unable to be intimate with my soon-to-be husband, Uwe, which was a source of immense emotional turmoil. This inability was deeply rooted in unresolved sexual trauma from my past, which I had not fully confronted or healed.
This breakdown was not a sign of failure but rather a necessary process. It was as if the old structures of my life needed to collapse to make way for something new and more authentic. In this crucible of change, I was stripped of my defenses, forced to face my shadows, and prepared for future transformation.
The Role of Faith and Surrender
During these dark times, my faith in God was my anchor. Sometimes, the only thing standing between me and a relapse was my unwavering belief that there was a purpose behind my pain. Despite the immense pressure, I did not turn back to alcohol—a testament to the inner strength that was being forged in the fire of my breakdown.
Surrendering to this process was not easy. It required me to let go of my need for control and trust that something greater was at work. This surrender was not about giving up but giving in to the transformative power of the breakdown. It was about allowing myself to be reshaped and redefined.
The Breakthrough: Healing Sexual Trauma
The breakthrough was like a breath of fresh air when it finally came. It didn’t happen overnight, but gradually, as I embraced the lessons of my breakdown. I sought therapy and enrolled in a 6-week sexual trauma healing course that significantly changed my life. This process of healing allowed me to confront and release the deep-seated trauma that had been hindering my ability to form intimate connections.
In this new dawn, I found clarity and purpose. The shadows that once seemed so daunting became sources of strength and wisdom. I realized that the breakdown had not destroyed me; it had dismantled the false constructs of my identity, allowing my true self to emerge.
Reflections and Insights
Reflecting on this journey, I now understand that the breakdown was essential to my transformation. It taught me resilience, humility, and the importance of inner work. It also underscored the significance of support systems—my faith, therapy, and the teachings of mentors like Caroline Myss, who have profoundly influenced my path.
To anyone going through a similar experience, remember that your breakdown is not the end. It is a necessary step toward your breakthrough. Embrace it, learn from it, and trust that it will lead you to a place of greater authenticity and empowerment.
The Power of Perseverance
The journey from breakdown to breakthrough is not linear or straightforward but incredibly rewarding. Each step brings you closer to your true self, no matter how painful. As you navigate this path, hold on to your faith, seek support, and trust the process. Your breakthrough is not just possible but inevitable as long as you persevere.
In Chapter 10 of “Struck by Lightning,” I share more about this transformative journey and the tools that helped me navigate it. I invite you to explore this chapter and reflect on your own experiences. Additionally, you can listen to Episode 10 of my podcast, “From the Shadow to the Light,” where I further discuss the importance of embracing the breakdown before the breakthrough. Remember, the breakdown is not a failure but a powerful catalyst for your breakthrough.
If you have sexual trauma that needs healing, schedule a complimentary one-hour Discovery call where I will share with you a 7-step path that will help you close the wounds you carry. You are NOT broken – you don’t need to be fixed. You’re wounded and need to be healed. I can help you with that.
Stay resilient, keep faith, and embrace your journey from the shadow to the light.
Embracing Discomfort: The Key to Unlocking Success
In our quest for personal and professional growth, we often encounter tasks we’d rather avoid. Whether it involves waking up before dawn for a morning jog, tackling a mountain of paperwork, or engaging in tough conversations at work, success demands that we step out of our comfort zones. Through my own journey—marked notably by nearly 24 years of sobriety—I’ve learned the invaluable lesson that embracing discomfort is not merely a necessity but a catalyst for profound transformation.
Understanding the Value of Discomfort
The path to achieving our greatest aspirations is often lined with tasks we dread. Early in my sobriety, I faced countless mornings where the last thing I wanted to do was attend an AA meeting. The idea of sharing my struggles or listening to others didn’t always seem appealing. Yet, each time I went, I left feeling a bit stronger, more connected, and incredibly grateful. This repeated action of stepping into discomfort taught me an essential truth: growth occurs outside our comfort zones.
It’s not just about building resilience; it’s about developing a profound mental toughness that comes from consistently facing and overcoming challenges. These are not merely hurdles but opportunities that forge our character and define our capabilities.
How to Embrace the Uncomfortable
The first step in effectively embracing discomfort is to reframe your mindset. Begin to view these daunting tasks as vital steps toward your ultimate goals, not as detours or unnecessary obstacles. This shift in perspective can dramatically change your approach and emotional response to challenges.
When facing particularly overwhelming tasks, breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps can be incredibly helpful. This strategy reduces anxiety and builds a sense of achievement as each smaller goal is accomplished. For instance, instead of focusing on the entire process of writing a book, focus on writing a single chapter or even just a page.
Furthermore, establishing a reward system after you tackle these challenges can make the process more enjoyable. A small treat, a short break, or scheduling something you enjoy right after can motivate you.
Accountability is another key element. Sharing your intentions with someone else—a friend, a coach, or a mentor—can increase your commitment. It’s easier to back out on ourselves than it is to explain to someone else why we didn’t follow through.
Lastly, take time to reflect on your past successes and the difficult paths you’ve navigated to reach them. Remembering your achievements and the obstacles you’ve overcome can provide a significant motivational boost. For instance, every year, as I near June 6th, the anniversary of my sobriety, I reflect on the challenges and successes of the past year, which reminds me of the strength I’ve gained from each difficult decision and action. I’ve done this for the past 24 years in AA, which gave me an invaluable tool I use in all areas of my life.
Embracing the tasks we prefer to avoid isn’t just a strategy for achieving goals—it’s a transformative process that reshapes our character, enhances our capabilities, and deepens our inner strength. As someone who has lived through significant challenges, I can affirm that the rewards of embracing discomfort are profound and enduring. Let us step forward into these challenges, not with reluctance but with a spirit of determination, knowing that each step is not merely a move towards achieving our goals but a stride towards becoming the person we aspire to be.
If you’re struggling with where to start, schedule your complimentary one-hour Discovery call. We’ll put together a roadmap using my 7-step pathway to success.