by | Jul 29, 2020


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When Life Throws You A Curveball

Do you remember a time in your life when everything was sailing smoothly along, and suddenly you ran into a wind gust that toppled your sails? It’s like life threw you a curveball from out of nowhere. Starting in March, when it was apparent that COVID-19 was not going away, I sense that most people in the world felt this way.

In the blink of an eye, everything can change. And it did.

All areas of life seemed to crumble before my eyes; my business and finances; my health and wellness; my community and social life. Here are a few of  the ways I dealt with these curveballs:

  1. Learn to adapt—part 1. As a spiritual coach and yoga instructor, I usually see clients on a one-on-one basis. That ended mid-March and left me with nowhere to go. I continued to practice Coach/Client roles on Zoom with my partners from my enrollment in CBCT (Clear Beliefs Coach Training). I upgraded to a professional account so that I could record and have unlimited time for a session. I also learned how to operate all of Zoom’s features from breakout rooms to transferring a file.
  2. Learn to adapt—part 2. Due to the fact I now needed to depend on the internet to acquire clients, I needed to be able to have a way for them to pay. Another upgrade: Calendly to professional, where I learned to integrate PayPaloom, as well as and Notification emails and texts. I am adapting to a world I have very little knowledge or experience with, but know it is necessary.
  3. Create something new.  I knew I needed to do something that would allow me to earn money even during a pandemic (and who knows how long this will go on). I enrolled in teach-able.com to create an online course. There are many tasks I have no clue how to do; I am learning as I go. I am very excited about the new venture.
  4. Acceptance. Since May, I learned I have a few health issues that challenge my mobility and quality of life. I am an avid gardener, and it’s where I ground myself and meditate. I am not able to do what I want to do at this time. Although part of it is temporary, one thing I know for sure: I am exactly where I am supposed to be in my life right now. I don’t like it, but I do accept it, and that does make it a little easier.
  5. Gratitude. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, from my home to my dogs, and my small circle of friends here and abroad, and for life itself. I am truly blessed. Little things are important to me today. I’m grateful I don’t have a hangnail today.

baseball quote When life throws you a curveball, what do you do? Do you stand on the sidelines of life and worry? Do you hang in the outfield and pretend nothing’s going to happen, or it doesn’t exist? Do you stand in the batter’s box and watch it whizz by? Or do you swing and hit the ball so hard, it goes out of the park?

My hope for you is that your answer is the last question.

Many Blessings for a happy, healthy, and prosperous life!

Schedule your free 15-minutes assessment, 30-minute discovery session60-minute coaching call, or Clear Your Beliefs Program NOW!


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Debbie gill

The heart and soul behind Go Within Spiritual Coaching.