The Miracle of Letting Go

by | Oct 23, 2023

letting go

A Lesson from Michael Singer’s “The Untethered Soul”

If you haven’t yet explored the profound wisdom of Michael Singer’s The Untethered Soul, I strongly recommend you get your hands on a copy. Singer’s insights can open doors to letting go of emotional burdens, bringing a sense of personal freedom and inner peace you may not have thought possible. One of the most powerful chapters in the book is Chapter 9: Removing Your Inner Thorn, which highlights the art of welcoming life’s challenges as opportunities for growth.

In Singer’s view, life’s obstacles—often manifested as emotions like anger,, fear, and envy—can be seen as your inner thorns.. Many of us, myself included, tend to hold onto these struggles, resisting letting go without even realizing that we have a choice. Instead of releasing them, we suppress, deny, or ignore them. It’s like playing a never-ending game of “whack-a-mole”—as soon as we push one problem down, another pops up. If this feels familiar, you’re not alone.

However, my perspective on life changed dramatically when I got sober in 2000. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and I suddenly realized that I had choices—real choices. I could continue protecting my problems, or I could let go of them. I chose the latter. By letting go of what no longer served me, I felt free. My metaphorical chains were broken. This solution is simple in theory but challenging in practice. Each issue I released left claw marks all over my psyche, making it clear how deeply I had held onto them.

Now, let me share a miraculous moment in my life that illustrates the true power of letting go.

An Unexpected Lesson in Letting Go

In 2013, the Friday before Labor Day, I had an MRI on my knee to determine if I had a meniscus tear. The results were supposed to be available within 48 hours, but because of the holiday weekend, I wouldn’t receive them until the following Tuesday. By Wednesday, having heard nothing from the doctor’s office, I called to inquire. Silence. The same thing happened on Thursday. By Friday, frustration had set in, and I told the receptionist that I wouldn’t hang up until I spoke to someone.

Finally, the physician assistant (PA) took the call and was surprised—I was supposed to have been contacted already. She quickly located my MRI, confirmed the tear, and recommended surgery. With my insurance set to renew on October 1st, I asked if the procedure could be scheduled sooner. She found an earlier appointment at a different location. “Great, I’ll take it,” I replied, starting to let go of my earlier irritation with the situation.

And here’s where the magic of letting go truly unfolded.

Releasing Frustration and Embracing the Moment

On the morning of my appointment, I arrived at the new location ten minutes early and checked in. As I sat in the waiting room, I started reading Chapter 9: Removing Your Inner Thorn from The Untethered Soul.

Twenty minutes later, the receptionist called me to the desk and said, “What are you doing here, Debbie? Your appointment isn’t until the end of the month.”

Without reacting emotionally, I calmly explained what I had been told. Her response? “Oh, we’ll have to squeeze you in somewhere.”

I sat back down and waited for another thirty-five minutes. But unlike before, I felt no frustration, no irritation—just a deep sense of peace.

For the first time, I realized I wasn’t struggling with an inner thorn. I hadn’t even allowed it to take root in the first place. That, my friends, is the miracle of letting go.

The Power of Letting Go

Letting go isn’t about ignoring problems or suppressing emotions—it’s about releasing the resistance that keeps us stuck. When we stop holding on so tightly, life unfolds naturally.

In the spirit of The Untethered Soul, I leave you with this simple yet profound message:

👉 The power to let go and find inner peace is within your reach.
👉 It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Are you ready to experience the miracle of letting go?

If you struggle to release what’s holding you back, take the next step by scheduling your complimentary Discovery Session. Together, we’ll create your Personal Roadmap to Confidence and Peace of Mind.

[Content updated from June 21, 2016]

Debbie gill

The heart and soul behind Go Within Spiritual Coaching.