by | Feb 2, 2022


Have you ever reacted to people or situations in a not-so-nice manner and wished you could take it back?

Do you judge yourself, others, or circumstances?

Do you self-sabotage unconsciously?

Like most people, you answered yes to at least one of the above questions, which means there may be more room for more success and happiness in your life.

And, there is a solution to that problem! It’s called Mental Fitness, and there’s a program for it that will give you the outcome you desire. I encourage you to check out the 2-minute video below.

Mental Fitness

What is mental fitness? 

Mental fitness is the ability to face life’s challenges with a positive mindset rather than a negative one. As the video explains, you can increase your ability to have a more optimistic attitude through a 6-week program to rewire the brain’s neural pathways through a process called neuroplasticity. You’ll form new habits through consistent daily practice.

Saboteurs versus Sage

There are 10 Saboteurs, including the Judge, who is the master along with 9 Accomplices and 5 Sage Powers. Your Saboteurs turn your greatest strengths into your most significant weaknesses by abusing or overusing them. 
For example, the Pleaser abuses/overuses empathy. Their natural strength is that they are deeply empathic people. Empathy is a significant power when used by the Sage. But when that power is overused, it becomes the Pleaser.

Or take the Stickler, who overuses or abuses being orderly and organized. When used by the Sage, organization and being orderly is a strength that is used to serve their families and the world.

I encourage you to schedule your complimentary presentation on how the Mental Fitness Program can change the trajectory of your life and create more success and happiness for you.

The Mental Fitness program helped me become more empathetic, curious, creative, clear-headed, and laser-focused when I needed to take action. I can face any challenge in front of me with a more positive mindset and turn it into a gift and opportunity. You will be able to as well.

Make the move. Schedule your presentation—a new life is waiting for you!

Debbie Gill - author and coach

Debbie gill

The heart and soul behind Go Within Spiritual Coaching.