Unpacking Childhood Triggers for Better Decision-Making

by | Nov 30, 2023

Put on the Spot

Unpacking Childhood Triggers for Better Decision-Making

We’ve all experienced that moment—the sudden spotlight, the unexpected question, the pressure to respond swiftly. It’s a scenario that can trigger a cascade of emotions, particularly for those who carry the wounds of being in trouble from their childhood. This blog post explores the profound impact of being put on the spot, linking it to experiences of authoritarian parenting, dysfunctional communication traits, and the lasting effects of childhood trauma on decision-making.

The Childhood Connection:

For many, being put on the spot awakens memories of authoritarian parents or caregivers using tactics like parental alienation and gaslighting. These dysfunctional communication styles create an environment where every response feels like walking on eggshells. Childhood memories of being asked pointed questions or facing accusations can lead to an ingrained fear of being wrong or getting into trouble.

Brain Activation Patterns:

Researchers have delved into the neurological aspects of this phenomenon, discovering that childhood trauma can alter brain activation patterns associated with decision-making. The part of the brain responsible for quick thinking and response is intricately linked to the emotional memories of being in trouble. As a result, individuals who experienced childhood trauma often find themselves struggling even more when faced with the need for rapid decision-making.

The Scenario:

Consider a common scenario—you’re in a breakout group at work or in class, and suddenly, your name is called to answer a pivotal question. The anxiety sets in. Will your response be met with approval or disapproval? Does this trigger a childhood wound of being in trouble? It evokes memories of when my father sternly asked me if I lied to my mother or when my mother confronted me, asking if I snooped under her bed and found the Christmas presents. These personal stories exemplify the lingering impact of past experiences on present-day reactions.

Being Put on the Spot


Overcoming the Struggle:

If you find yourself consistently grappling with the frustration of quick decision-making, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential link to childhood trauma. Taking bold steps towards understanding and managing these triggers is crucial. Schedule a free, confidential Discovery call, where we can collaboratively create a roadmap for your next best steps. Together, we can explore strategies to navigate these everyday challenges stemming from trauma triggers.

Being put on the spot is more than a fleeting discomfort; it’s a journey through the corridors of childhood memories and their lasting effects on our adult selves. Recognizing the connection between past experiences and present struggles empowers us to break free from the cycle. So, the next time you feel that familiar unease, remember—acknowledge, understand, and take courageous steps towards healing.

The first courageous step to take is to schedule a free, confidential Discovery call. Don’t let that gnawing in your gut grow one more second!


Debbie gill

The heart and soul behind Go Within Spiritual Coaching.