“Thank You for Writing Your Book”

by | Oct 23, 2018

I found it after searching for the phrase “Banging my head against the wall” into Google, because that’s what I’ve been doing creatively, financially, and spiritually. The serendipity doesn’t end there: your book, being about addiction and archetypes, was extremely relatable. I swing from different obsessions. Letting God take care of things is my struggle and when you talk about knowing God — I had a very similar experience recently when I felt that peace and serenity are the only true things we should strive for and it felt like I was walking on air. I just read your book from start to finish. I started reading it about 5 hours ago. Your story would make a compelling movie; I laughed and I cried whilst reading your book. Plus, serendipity part 2: I was also looking for literature on creativity (I am a musician) and I found a book called the Spirit of Creativity by Joseph Curiale and he emphatically discusses the idea of reincarnation, so when I saw the butterfly, I couldn’t believe it! Every action is a creative action, huh? Anyway, thank you for writing a book that I believe I so desperately needed to read. P.S. Thank you for introducing me to the concept of Thundersnow, first time hearing it! DARYL WARD

Debbie Gill - author and coach

Debbie gill

The heart and soul behind Go Within Spiritual Coaching.